JOSEPH O. ONWUTEAKA V. Comm'n for Lawyer Discipline
On April 4, 2008, the Board of Disciplinary Appeals signed a Judgment Affirming Judgment in Part and Reversing Judgment in Part and Reversing Sanction and Remanding for New Hearing on Sanctions in the appeal of Houston attorney Joseph O. Onwuteaka, 49, SBOT Card No. 15291300, of a Judgment of Partially Probated Suspension issued by the Evidentiary Panel for the State Bar of Texas District 4D8 grievance committee in Case Nos. H0090520614 and H0090521059 on May 4, 2007. The findings of violations of TDRPC 1.01(b)(1), 3.03(a)(1), 8.01(b) and 8.04(a)(3) (in H0090520614 only) and 8.04(a)(8) are reversed. The findings of violations of TDRPC 3.03(a)(5) and 8.04(a)(3) (in H0090521059 only) are affirmed. The matter is remanded to the grievance committee for a hearing on the sanctions consistent with the Board’s judgment. Mr. Onwuteaka appealed this decision to the Supreme Court of Texas. On August 29, 2008, the Supreme Court of Texas affirmed the decision of the Board of Disciplinary Appeals, Case Number 08-0328.