Recent Decisions

SBOT Card No. Type of Matter Decision BODA Cause Number
In the Matter of Davis Perry Bauer 24129967 Reciprocal Discipline Agreed Fully Probated Suspension 70019
In the Matter of Sophia Juliana Johnson 24103214 Reciprocal Discipline Agreed Judgment of Suspension 69893
In the Matter of Carl Henry Franklin 07373850 Reciprocal Discipline Partially Probated Suspension 69470
In re Mary Christine Dobbie 24046473 Reciprocal Discipline Fully Probated Suspension 69469
In re Manfred Max Sternberg 24125421 Reciprocal Discipline Denied 69413
In re Gregory Rincon 24054154 Compulsory Discipline Other 68988
In re Marylin Jenkins Milner 24025837 Reciprocal Discipline Suspended 68333