In the Matter of James Morris Balagia


On May 3, 2024, the Board of Disciplinary Appeals entered a Judgment of Disbarment against Manor attorney JAMES MORRIS BALAGIA [#00783589]. On May 4, 2021, Balagia was found guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice and Aiding and Abetting, Conspiracy, Endeavor, and Attempt to Violate the Kingpin Act, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in Cause No. 4:16-CR-00176-ALM-KPJ(3), styled United States of America v. James Morris Balagia, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division. These offenses constitute Intentional Crimes as defined by the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure. Balagia was sentenced to prison for a total of 188 months, followed by three years of supervised release. The judgment follows an Interlocutory Order of Suspension entered by the Board on May 6, 2022. BODA Case No. 65867.


BODA Cause Number: 
Type of Matter: 
Compulsory Discipline
Date Filed: 
Friday, September 10, 2021
BODA Decision: 
Appealed to the Supreme Court: 
SBOT Card No.: 
Docket Date: 
Friday, April 29, 2022
Video of Hearing: