In the matter of Kirby Jerome Portley
On July 31, 2020, the Board of Disciplinary Appeals issued an Agreed Judgment of Revocation and Active Suspension from the Practice of Law for Austin attorney Kirby Jerome Portley, 36, State Bar of Texas Card # 24085865, from an Agreed Judgment of Partially Probated Suspension by the Evidentiary Panel for the State Bar of Texas District 9-2 Grievance Committee #’s 201705482, 201707485, 201800233, 201801377, 201801854. Gaines West of College Station represented Portley. BODA cause number 64516.
BODA Cause Number:
Type of Matter:
Revocation of Probation
Date Filed:
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
SBOT Discipline:
Partially Probated Suspension
BODA Decision:
Appealed to the Supreme Court:
SBOT Card No.:
Docket Date:
Friday, July 31, 2020